Monday, August 30, 2010

Days12, 13, and 14

A Song From a Band I Hate
"Party in the USA" - Miley Cyrus
The only Miley song I can stand. Don't judge, it's catchy.
(the real music video won't let me embed)

A Song That Is a Guilty Pleasure
"My Humps" - Black Eyed Peas

So this song is no good, but it's catchy. And reminds of the days of Interior Design my junior year of high school when the skanky sophomores would turn on the radio during our work time, when the teacher was gone, and this would blast from 97.1 zht until the teacher came back and we turned it off. Also reminds me of my friend Kinnon sometimes. We got a kick out of singing it in his truck.

(I won't post the music video, or even the lyrics because, well, it's skanky.)

A Song No One Would Expect Me to Love
"Ohio is For Lovers" - Hawthorne Heights

There was a certain boy I dated my sophomore year of high school (cough*cesar*cough) who loved Hawthorne Heights, and I was convinced they were awful and sang terrible things. Then next year of high school, I had another friend (cough*collin*cough) who also like Hawthorne Heights, and I started to like them too.

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