Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I finished all my finals yesterday.
Aren't you proud of me for getting done on Monday?
What does this mean? 
It means that I am done with my last semester of classes.
Yes, I am still taking two classes in the summer.... 
But it's summer term, not semester :)

I didn't have work today, and neither did Kyle.
So what have we been doing?
Sleeping in, eating, and beginning Project: LOST.

Project: LOST is what I'm calling our goal to watch all of the seasons of LOST this summer.
So far we've got 6 episodes down, and 114 to go.

I've also finished my first five books of the summer (technically I started a little before summer began, two weeks ago, but I'm counting it). 

And, the most exciting news? We go to Florida in EIGHT days.


lexio said...

you will love lost. Have you seen it before? surely...

Bonnie said...