Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Just a Lil' Update

I thought it was probably time to do a little update on our life, outside of baby :)

Kyle is enjoying his job, and is building his case load which means he is keeping busier at work. He is going to interview for a slightly different job this week (still in the same department), so we'll see how that goes. It's just different enough that he thinks he will enjoy it a bit more, but if he doesn't get it, it won't be too big of a deal.

He was also just called to be the second counselor in the Sunday School presidency in our ward, so that will be good for him. The president and first counselor are both really nice guys, and we'll look forward to getting to know them a little better.
We're also still called to be the CTR 5 primary teachers, so we'll have to see what happens there. Luckily during the Sunday School hour is when we have sharing and singing time, so if Kyle can still join me third hour for class time, I should be ok. We've got quite a rowdy bunch of little boys this year, and while they're cute and fun, I don't think this pregnant lady could handle it by herself. So maybe they'll release us sooner rather than later.
But who knows?! We sure have a blast teaching those kiddos each week, though.

I'm just at home, getting things ready for baby - we all know I'm a planner so I am constantly making lists of things we need, or need to do. 
I'll probably talk about this in my next weekly post, but we started our birth class this week, and we enjoyed it! (Maybe I did a little more than Kyle.....) :) We still have three more classes to go, and I'm sure we'll learn a lot more.

We're still enjoying life up here in northern Idaho, and we're getting excited for spring (for multiple reasons! - but mostly because our babe is coming) (but also because it will be lighter out longer, and be warmer!).

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