Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Recap

2012 was a pretty stable year for us - probably the most stable one since we've been married. We didn't move, Kyle was in school the whole time, and I had the same job (well, with some changes) the whole year. And it's been nice. But that's not to say it wasn't busy! Here's a quick recap, which may or may not include some pictures.

I started at Seasons of Hope.
I also started my calling as the YW secretary.

Celebrated our 4th Valentine's Day together

Kyle turned 26!
Spent a weekend with all the Hanson's for Claire's blessing

Threw BFF Dani a bridal shower
YW Taco Bar
BFF Dani got married

Celebrated our 2 year anniversary
Britt got her first car a cute Suzuki hatchback

Baby sister turned 9!

Girl's Camp

I turned 23!
Kyle did a triathlon!
Spent a week in California with the Hanson family

Spent a weekend in Hailey, ID

I ran a 5k!

BFF Lexi got married

Dad came to town


BFF Sarah got married

Celebrated our 4th Christmas together

Yes, 2012 was a good year, but hello 2013! This is going to be our year! It will be a year of change for us, and we are so excited! Here are somethings we are looking forward to in 2013.
-Kyle graduating with his Masters Degree
-Kyle interviewing and (hopefully) getting accepted into a PhD program
-Possibly moving (?)

Like I said! We're looking forward to some changes this year!

1 comment:

Ayisha said...

Still recovering from reading '4th Valentine's Day together'. 4th. As in 4 years. Umm, what? That's absolutely crazy.

You had so many weddings this year! I'm glad they're done so that you can focus on others for 2013. Selfish. Bahaha. Love you.