Saturday, December 15, 2012

Some More Deets and Pix

^ I'm really good at abbreviations.

Here's a quick outline of my weekend in Utah.
Friday: got off work early, drove to Utah, joined Mel at her RS Christmas Party
Saturday: Got up early and drove to Kaitlin's house where I met 7 of my closest internet friends in real life. You all know about my MG's. These are my second group of MG's and I love them. We did a white elephant gift exchange and it was hilarious.

Top: Kaitlin, Katie, Kristin, Lara, Melissa
Bottom: Me, Michelle, Heather
Kaitlin in her sweater - I got her gift in the white elephant exchange -  a matching sweater! Loved it.
Then I went and visited my good friend's Matt and Milanne and their baby Ayla!
Then I went to Claire's 1st Birthday Party at the Aquarium!
Me holding Claire and watching the penguins!

Holding Claire and watching the rays and the fish.

Then I went to the MG Christmas Party at Lindsay's apartment. We had a favorite things gift exchange, which was the best idea ever, and just chatted before leaving to drive home in scary snow.
Top: Leanna, Adrianne, Annika, Danielle
Bottom: Me, Steph, Natali and Lindsay

Sunday was church time and nap time and dinner with the family time.
Monday was Sarah's wedding (which I already posted pictures from) and then I went to lunch with Mel and Jess (and Avery and Claire and neighbor girl Lily) at Olive Garden. And then I drove home.

I have the best family and friends ever.

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