Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentine's Day

Valentine's was lowkey this year, but perfect.
I ended up having to work until 8 pm :( But I came home to dinner ready, a table set with goodies, and a clean house! 
We had pulled pork and mashed potatoes, and Kyle had even made creme brulee.
He gave me the movie "He's Just Not That Into You", Dove chocolate, Kit-Kats, a cute card he made, a gift certificate to Kiwi Loco and tickets to Nalepese night at ISU.
I got him some Reese's Cups, a card, and a nice blue sweater. 
We ate and just spent time with each other.

Friday we watched the last episode of Downton Abbey so we'd be caught up for the finale on Sunday. And then we watched the movie Kyle got me.

Saturday night we went out to Napelese night. It consisted of a delicious Napelese dinner (rice, chicken curry, curried vegatables, and some carrot pudding, yum!) and some cultural music and dancing performances. It was really cool to go to. Then we went a got a chocolate shake, and watched the BYU game :)
Also on Saturday I had my wonderful dance class, and we took a 2.5 hour nap together. 

Then yesterday we watched the season finale of Downton Abbey.
I also taught a lesson about how our choices affect us in YW.

So, there is our Valentine's Day weekend in a nutshell.

I love my Kyle :)

1 comment:

Evan said...

Thanks for keeping us in the loop. That Kyle is a pretty special guy.