Thursday, June 12, 2014


Somehow it's June, and I have no idea how we got here.

It is full-blown summer here in the inland Northwest. A couple of days ago we had a thunderstorm to prove it. And most days have been consistently in 70's. The sun rises at 5 am, and doesn't set until 9 pm. The birds are singing as early as 4:30 am.
And I love it.

Kyle and I have always been pretty adventurous in the summertime. Maybe him more so than me, but since being married I've come to appreciate a good camping trip. This year we're throwing a little buddy in the mix and have been contemplating taking him out.
We'll see how he does when the time comes.

We are loving our life right now.
And we are so excited to head to Utah in two weeks, to see all our family, and bless our sweet boy.

We will see you all soon!

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