Monday, July 30, 2012

Girl's Camp, and other thoughts

This past week I was able to go to Girl's Camp. And it was a blast.

We had a blast at skit night - and oh, the stake leaders. Those women are hilarious and such good examples. Their skit was absolutely the funniest thing I have ever seen. And the girls.... Oh, the girls. So cute, so innocent, so fun. I had a blast crafting with Ellie (a Beehive in our ward) one afternoon. Camp crafts are the best. The food was excellent. There were showers (!!! what? you don't have showers at camp) - and no, I did not shower. I was not even prepared for there to be one! Ha! The spiritual program the last night that was put together by the stake leaders and the 6th year girls was wonderful, as was the message shared by our lovely stake president.

Our theme was Shine On! in tandem with the mutual them this year - "Verily I say unto you all, arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations". (D&C 115:5) and I thought it was a great one.

Being at Girl's Camp is always great, but is a completely different experience as a leader. I still don't feel old enough to be a leader! But it was still a good time.

I camped with the stake leaders and the 6th year girls, who were just the best girls ever. So in tune with the Spirit (both groups). And it made me reminisce on my own camp leader year - I was technically a 5th year - but the same age as these 6th year girls - about to enter my senior year. My YCL year was my most memorable at camp. It was so amazing, and wonderful. That summer was one of my favorite summers. (Although the summer before my junior year was equally as amazing - but that is a story for another time.) That summer, I was 16, almost 17. I was a YCL at Girl's Camp and had a fantastic time spending time with the other YCL's and leaders, getting to know them, planning camp activities, etc. I also went to EFY that summer, which was another amazing experience. That was the summer that my testimony that I was (am) a daughter of God and that He knows and loves me was really solidified.
During the testimony meeting that last night of Girl's Camp this year, I bore my testimony to those 6th year girls, and told them about the summer I had when I was their age, and how wonderful it was, and how happy and excited I am for them to continue growing and learning. I bore my testimony of what I learned that summer, and how the YW program has helped me in my life.

I do know, without a doubt, that Heavenly Father knows us personally, by name, and that He loves us individually. I am grateful for the YW program, for the values it teaches. I love this Gospel.

Our stake president spoke to us, like I mentioned before. He spoke about how our decision don't just affect us, they affect all those around us. The same thing is with our gifts that we receive - they are not to bless our life, they are given to us to bless others' lives. He told us that we are partners with God. He ended his remarks by giving the girls a blessing, by the authority he has as a set apart stake president. He blessed them with strength and power, and gifts/promptings. It was a really special message.

In closing, here are our two camps songs.
Shine On, found in the LDS Children's Songbook.
And then Pass It On, by Kurt Kaiser. (Enjoy the images and folksy sounding tune.) I love this song.

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