Saturday, June 23, 2012

Good Day

Today has been a good day.

We slept in. There is nothing like being able to sleep in and cuddle up next to your hubs. I love it. We ate breakfast, got ready for the day and ran some errands. Bath and Body Works is having their semi-annual sale right now, I love me some cheap stuff!

We watched Sherlock Holmes on TV, had hamburgers for dinner, and then watched 500 Days of Summer (my favorite find of the day - $5 at Walmart).

It was a normal, wonderful Saturday.

K and I have some exciting adventures coming up... This next week he finishes up his last class of the summer. We may go camping next weekend. Then comes the 4th of July. We are hopefully going to Yellowstone the weekend after that. Then Girl's Camp for me the last full week of July. Then we leave for California on the 3rd of August! Goodness me. I can't believe how fast time flies, and that June is almost over!

Life has been good to us lately. This past week I was able to go to a book club/girl's night at my friend (from our ward) Holly's house with some of her friends, and other girls in our ward. Kyle has been able to watch some basketball with his ward friends as well. And then on Friday I went out to dinner with some of my good work friends. (Buffalo Wild Wings - yum!) Life is busy... but we love it. We are both happy to be where we are now. Soon we will have to start making decisions about where life may take us next... But for now, we are enjoying living in the present.

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