Monday, April 2, 2012

(This post was written on 3/26)

It's a rainy day today.
Which is strange, because when I was driving to work this morning, there was blue sky and sun. And now it is gray and rainy.
Which means I really just want to be in bed.
Or curled up with Catching Fire.
And drinking hot chocolate - and eating some other warm food.

We saw The Hunger Games this past weekend. And it was fantastic.
I have a few drafts unpublished again.
I have been a terrible blogger.

It's Kyle's spring break this week. I had forgotten until yesterday!
I guess four years at a spring break-less BYU, and then working a "real job" has ruined me, haha. What is spring break? I'm glad he gets a break though, he has been working hard.
Hopefully he (and I, when I'm home) can spring clean our apartment. It's been kind of a wreck lately.
It is also Kyle's BIRTHDAY on Saturday. Which I am so excited for. I love giving him presents :) And we'll go out to eat, of course. And it's also General Conference, which I am so excited for. I love General Conference, and I love the "jump start" it gives to the next 6 months.

Work has been going fine. It's really not a bad job. I can't complain, that's for sure!

April is going to be a busy month - starting with this week, I guess. With Kyle's birthday, and General Conference.
And in April, there are so many YW activities: the re-broadcast of Saturday's meeting, a leadership training, two service projects, I have a lesson to teach, our big camp fundraiser. And it's also Dani's wedding, the last week, and two weeks before is her bridal shower that I'm throwing. And it's Easter. Plus normal activities.
It's going to be an awesome, but busy, month.

I also have a headache.

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